The Top 5 Books on my TBR for 2023
I am so excited about this year’s reading! This will be my first year out of education, which is wild. At first, I was terrified about being so rudderless in terms of goal-oriented intellectual pursuits.
I am so excited about this year’s reading! This will be my first year out of education, which is wild. At first, I was terrified about being so rudderless in terms of goal-oriented intellectual pursuits.
I really wish I could give this book five stars.
i’m a ghost in conversation. i flit from group to group, i smile just past the camera. on the page i’m a person. i always have been.
Another year has passed and another top-ten list must come to be. As of writing this (it’s December 15th), I’ve read 144 books, which is a record for me. I feel like this year I hit my stride – I was DNFing books left and right with absolutely no shame.
i want to write more. i want to say something of value, not merely sit spinning my wheels in the mud of it all. sometimes i wonder if there’s a point to any of this in the face of the imminent heat death of the planet. who am i writing this down for? will we need art while we drown?