Hello and welcome to April! This reading wrap-up is a bit all of over the place, since I didn’t read a ton of traditionally published work in March, but I did read an obscene amount of fanfiction, most notably Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love (isthisselfcare) and The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy (speechwriter). I’m currently working on a gigantic master post of all the fanfiction I’ve read and recommend (and it’s a whole lot), so keep an eye out!
Mosaics & Magic: A Paranormal Cozy Mystery (Nancy Warren)-
An admittedly disappointing finale to the Vampire Knitting Club series. I was really pulling for this too, as you guys know. I have been screaming about the Vampire Knitting Club series for three years now, and its ending was more of a sputter than the fanfare that I was hoping for. Based on this fourteenth addition to the series, I’m not planning on reading the spinoff series (The Vampire Knitting Club Series: Cornwall).
With Scream and Sugar & A Score to the Kettle (Erin Johnson) –
It doesn’t quite hit the same way that Vampire Knitting Club did (the characters ring hollow and the writing is subpar at best), but it scratches a similar itch and I can live with that.
Madly Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman –
This was one of the top ten books on my TBR this year and I have to say that it just about lived up to my expectations. To be fair to Alan, I had exceptionally high expectations. I also expected more of a traditional diary, whereas this was more of a planner with notes/poetry in the margins, which I can get down to. Read my full review here!
The 90-Day Novel: A Day-by-Day Plan for Outlining & Writing Your Book (Sarah Domet)-
Incredibly helpful! I’m writing another book and in addition to helping me streamline the process it also provided excellent craft advice that I’ll be implementing for years to come.